Thursday, June 23, 2016

June's Inside the Theme

I can't promise I will do this #Insidethetheme thing every month, but while I wait for my newest Family and Disney-venture to start (tomorrow! aahh!) I thought I'd give it another go since it's a fun way to let you know a little bit more about myself and connect to other members of the Iggle community ;)

This month's theme was all about crafts which was totally in sync with the creative energies at work in my life and it provided new ideas for me to try out! How perfect is that?! So without further ado here are my answers for the month.

1)What is your favorite type of craft, and why is it so amazing?
I'm such a restless spirit that, true to my hummingbird tendencies of trying out all the pretty flowers, I like or would like to try all the crafts that do not involve sewing/knitting or cooking. But I probably do tend to favor paper ones like scrapbooking, ATC's, DIY stationary, etc. Although, don't leave me alone at a Michael's 'cause I will want to take up EVERY craft as my new hobby!

2)What would your preferred weapon in the Craftamageddon be?
I would like to go with paper and micron pens but that could fall into the Fine Arts realm so if we're being strict about just crafts then probably washi tape! You can washi everything to make it better :)

3)Where on a scale from “Look At This Pair Of Shoes I Just Made” to “What Do You Mean You Own A Pair Of Scissors?” do you consider yourself? Do you have any funny craftastrophe stories?
I usually create more art than crafts but sometimes the line between these two is so blurry, and like I say I like to try all the crafts haha, so I guess I'm closer to the Shoe making side of the scale, as long as I don't really have to make shoes! LOL
My creative process is in itself a "Craftastrophe" hahaha, I'm constantly covered in glitter, glue and paint and manage to cut myself more than the paper :P So I can't recall a particularly funny story, I do find my attempts at creating a cup on the pottery wheel laughable if that counts...

4)3 Things You Would Bring To A Deserted Island, Craftamageddon style! (Because why wouldn’t you bring a glue gun and washi tape as opposed to survival necessities and loved ones?)
Only three? Hmm.. ok a giant pack of multicolor paper (that counts as one right?) Scissors and... WASHI tape!!

5)Show us a DIY project you are (sort of mildly) proud of
Ok so I showed you my most recent new crafts for this month on my previous post and I'm sort of mildly proud of them hehe, but I'm sharing these others from the past month I really liked, hope you like them too <3

Paper "Feather Smudging fan" for my Native American class

Glass bottle I stained for a friend

Angel silk scarf I painted for my mom

Aaannndd, that's it for this month! Hoped you all liked my little ramblings for June. 

Love, Light and Laughter to all of you <3

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Transitioning Upwards!

Another month almost over and I have no idea where time has gone, how does this even happen?..

This month has been a really interesting one and seemed to just be building off the energies of last month. My social life dropped down to zero! And still it was one of the busiest months yet. Ever since my apartment flooded energies have been moving and redirecting themselves. 
I seem to be in a transitional period again and, talking to my few Spiritual friends, they’ve all noticed that recently.

The influx of creative energy that washed over me last month intensified throughout June and a lot of old art projects have been getting finished and new ideas born. I also tried new techniques and crafts that could eventually, potentially become something. 

A restless energy has also been lingering around making me itch for adventure. I want to go somewhere, anywhere! Try new things, make a change of some sort. I noticed this amongst my friends too, It could be the energies of the solstice influencing us but whatever it is, there is something in the air…

As part of this transition state I'm in, I’ve become more attuned with the seasons, my sleep patterns adjust to each season lately but now that the warmer months are here it’s more obvious, since I get tired and uninspired on cloudy, cool days and can’t wait to take over the world on sunny days (which is extremely weird for me.) My body seems to also be changing with the season, I’m tanner and my hair curlier without me even going outside! It’s very interesting to notice all these changes in oneself.
Of course as with any other transition I’m “losing” a lot of friends again. I’m not too worried since I go through this every few years. Of course there are the souls that stay with me no matter what and for them I am always deeply grateful, but most of them live very far away from me and my local "new" friends are the ones usually rotating. I started the year with about 10 friends, now most of them have transitioned themselves into acquaintances or occasional friends to go out with while the rest have totally disappeared, only one or two have remained true friends. Like I said, with every transition this happens and it makes sense since, with every transition you change, your interests and priorities change and you suddenly can’t connect to people in a different "wavelength" no matter how much you care about them, it's almost as if magically there's nothing to talk about for either party. But the fact that I understand the why or that it’s happened before doesn’t make it that much easier. I still long for a tribe of souls where we are all on the same page and can play together without judgement and lift each other up. 

Has anyone else found themselves in a recent transitional state and has had some of these “symptoms”? I’d love to hear thoughts and experiences! :)

Of course on the positive side of things my beautiful, generous pen-pals have kept that need for human connection and friendship fulfilled.  But why can’t they live close to me so we can hang out for real?! Lol 
Also as usual if you ask and fully trust in the Universe you will receive!  My sense of adventure has been satiated by having to go to a destination wedding (my cousins’s) and even though the situation makes me sad I get rewarded by  going somewhere haha and more importantly seeing some family I haven’t seen in years! As well as spending some days in DisneyWorld with my guy bff! Since he’s between 2-10 years old and I’m 5 it’s gonna be the most perfect time ever!! So thank you Universe for listening to my pleas and manifesting so fast <3 <3

Also I was featured in a Fine Art blog on a post about wild life photography! Check it out here

So I guess what I can take out of this month is to go with the energies and don’t resist changes and transitions, There was a reason for that “adventure” vibe as it got manifested twice in very different ways. And the transition makes me a better healer and intuitive by being tuned into the seasons and their energies and by phasing people out that don’t resonate with me to make room for those to come. In the meantime things balance out in life always and since I didn't have a lot of social contact at the beginning of the month I get to finish its last week surrounded by those few souls that have always been there for me and are my true family whether it’s by blood or not. 

Love and Light to all of you and happy 4th of July!